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ph: (02) 6299 7271

Postal Address

PO Box 1570 Queanbeyan NSW 2620


1 Thorpe Ave Queanbeyan NSW 2620

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How we work

Treehouse’s approach to service delivery is to provide high quality specialised support to each and every child and family who receives services from Treehouse.

Your family is the centre of everything we do

We work together with your family in an equal partnership where planning and interventions for your child are based on your priorities and choices. Our team will provide services and supports in ways that are sensitive and respectful of your family.

Building the knowledge, skills and confidence of your family and the important people in your child’s life will have the biggest impact on your child’s learning and development.

‘It is what happens outside intervention sessions that makes the difference.’

One of our main goals at Treehouse is to support your child to be included and participate in family and community life. Through participation in our small groups and therapy sessions, children learn the skills they need to participate in their home, education, and community settings

We work together as a collaborative team around your child. The team includes you and Treehouse staff, but could also include teachers, therapists that are external to Treehouse and specialists that work with your child. Through consistent exchange of information, knowledge, and skills, across all the child’s settings the best results are achieved.

We recommend a Key Worker for your family when your child has needs across multiple developmental areas, or your family would like support in coordinating different services. Having a Key Worker as the main person working with your family is a great way to ensure coordination and consistent communication with the team around your child.

The team working with you and your child will help you to achieve the goals that were identified during your NDIS planning. We will work collaboratively by communicating with you and with other

members of your child’s team where possible. This means that your child will have a coordinated plan of how those supports will be provided.

Family’s Rights and Responsibilities Charter

Treehouse Queanbeyan Inc. is committed to the principles of respecting and protecting the legal and human rights of families and their children accessing Treehouse and their right to services. We value the child’s family as the key decision-maker when planning services and support.

At Treehouse, families can expect to receive services and supports which are flexible, tailored to suit their family and which recognise them as the key people in their child’s life. Families are fully included as equal and respected partners with Treehouse team members in all the planning and intervention for their child.

Families bring to the partnership their comprehensive knowledge of their child and their child’s history. The Treehouse team have the expertise and specialised knowledge that can be shared with families. At Treehouse, working together in partnership with the family by communicating and sharing information, knowledge and skills will provide a program that best meets the needs of the child.

Families have the right to:

  • be respected as the key supports and teachers for their child
  • be treated with courtesy and respect
  • be communicated with openly and honestly and in a timely manner
  • be consulted on decisions as to how supports are provided
  • receive information in ways which are accessible and easily understood
  • receive services and supports that meets their child’s needs
  • have services and supports provided in ways that are sensitive and respectful of the family’s culture, values and beliefs
  • have their feedback listened to and problems resolved quickly
  • have their family’s privacy and confidential information protected
  • be provided with a safe and healthy environment at Treehouse

Families are responsible to:

  • provide information to Treehouse which assists staff members to provide the requested services and supports to their child and family
  • be actively involved in the planning and delivery of their child’s intervention
  • talk to Treehouse if you have any concerns with the supports being provided
  • be polite and respectful to staff and other families at Treehouse
  • abide by Treehouse policies and procedures
  • provide a safe environment at home for Treehouse staff during home visits
  • let Treehouse know when their child is unwell or will not be attending a session for any reason

More specific information on the rights and responsibilities for families accessing NDIS services at Treehouse is found in the family’s NDIS Service User’s Agreement.

"The team are so supportive and great with all the kids. They take the time to speak to everyone individually and the smaller groups help with bonding and friendships."