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ph: (02) 6299 7271

Postal Address

PO Box 1570 Queanbeyan NSW 2620


1 Thorpe Ave Queanbeyan NSW 2620

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Support us


Treehouse is a registered NDIS provider and as such many of our clients pay for our services with their NDIS funding. The NDIS provides individualised funding directly to families and their children. However, we do provide some services to families whose children have needs but may not be eligible for NDIS funding eg. they may not have a diagnosis once they turn 7 or they may not be Australian citizens. The donations and the support of the community allows us to support some children in these circumstances. It also helps us to obtain toys, resources and equipment. Through your generosity we can provide a range of different supports that can make the world of difference to our precious Treehouse clients.

Giving is not just about making a donation. It’s about making a difference in your local community.

Treehouse believes that every child deserves the opportunity to participate in family and community life.

Treehouse help make this happen by connecting with families early in their child’s life and providing support, therapy and education programs.

Help us take that first step today. Every dollar counts.

Please use the following bank details to donate.

BSB: 641 800  Account Number: 200 230 705  Account Name: Treehouse, Queanbeyan Inc.

You can make a one-off donation by using your credit card or PayPal account. Please enter your donation amount and select the button below.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. If you require a receipt, please email  with the details of your donation and a postal address. 

Your generosity makes a difference to a child living with disability.

Thank You!